What to Expect


Welcome to Trinity United Church of Christ!


  • We are happy to have you worship with our family at Trinity. You will find people dress casually (some in jeans) and some people dress more formally.  We encourage you to come as you are!​
  • We welcome children to join our worship service.  Most Sundays we have Children’s Church right after our “A Story for the Child in All of Us” with the pastor. We also provide a nice nursery for our youngest parishioners.
  • Parking spaces at Trinity UCC are along the side and behind the building.  Handicap accessible parking is available.
  • We strive to be as accessible as possible, including ramp access at the front door, a chair lift to the sanctuary and gender-neutral bathrooms.
  • When you enter the church, you will be greeted and offered a bulletin to guide you through the worship service. Large print bulletins are also available.
  • We usually stand for hymns. We provide hymn books in the pews or you can follow along on our overhead screen. We take hymn requests and the box for requests is in the back of the sanctuary
  •  Our worship service usually includes prayers, blessings, scripture and a message from our Pastor. We do occasionally have a skit or prayer stations. We have traditional roots but like to try new and different things.
  • Offering plates are in the back of the sanctuary.  Online giving is also encouraged. We invite our guests to fill out a welcome card and place it in the offering plate or hand it directly to the pastor.
  • We celebrate Communion (with both wine or grape juice and bread; gluten free bread is also available) once a month, usually on the first Sunday of the month. All are welcome at the Table!
  • Visit With Our Pastor/Make an Appointment to Tour Our Church: If you would like to schedule an appointment to meet with our pastor or take a tour of our church, please contact our church office. Our church administrator will be happy to make an appointment for you. Appointments can be made by calling (410) 374-2727 or emailing us at office.trinityuccmanchester@comcast.net.