Committed to Community

Within Our Walls

Our congregation cares for those within our walls through

    • monthly fellowship
    • opportunities for all to roll up their sleeves and help
  • worship which is aimed at building community and offers opportunities for participation

Worship as a Means to Build Community and Use Our Gifts

We offer unique ways to build community during worship. For instance, our paper bag Christmas pageant required no rehearsal but offered a meaningful and fun approach to being actively involved in telling the Christmas Story. Others helped tell the story of the Wedding Banquet.

Opportunities to contribute based on one’s skills are central to the life of our church. If you have a gift and or skill, you’ll find a place to use it at Trinity Church.

Beyond Our Walls

Trinity is committed to community beyond our walls in Manchester, in Carroll County, and internationally. We are involved in a variety of outreach efforts in the name of Christ.

Little Free Library

Trinity UCC Little Free LibraryManchester’s first Free Little Library which is dedicated to children’s books is located on our church property.

Caring Committee

The caring committee responds to emergency requests from the community. We partner with Human Services Programs and NESAP to guide individuals to resources available.

  • Along with HSP and NESAP, we provide assistance with rent, utility, gasoline, auto repairs, food, and insurance.
  • Coordinate our Giving Tree which provides families with Christmas gifts

Food Bags for Backpacks and Prayer Shawls

We are into our fifth year of donating, packing and delivering food bags to Manchester Elementary School. The congregation donates more than what is needed each month! The school children are very appreciative of what they received and several students have sent us handmade thank you cards. We are indeed spreading the word of feeding God’s children.

We also bless and donate prayer shawls made by our members and friends to nursing homes or friends and family members of our church who could use a prayer and a tender touch.

Black Friday Open House

Trinity UCC CrècheTrinity participates in Manchester’s Black Friday event each year. Immediately after the lighting of the town tree, residents walk down the street to Trinity for the lighting of our outdoor crèche and join us inside for hot chocolate and cookies!

Food Distribution Ministry

Our neighboring church, Immanuel Lutheran, started a food distribution program in the spring of 2020. Several of our members have been assisting on a regular basis.